Android Developer

Toorbee is a B2B Fin-tech/Travel-tech Company which provides a large range of in destination services around Europe making countries and their infrastructure China ready in order to accommodate the huge demand from Chinese travelers. Toorbee intends to fully develop its multiple business locations. So the Company seeks to substantially grow its development teams in order expand further its network.


  • Work together with company staff to implement platform's mobile app (Android version)
  • Work under strict deadlines following specifications to develop the mobile app.
  • Work as a team to integrate the mobile app with the platform's API.
  • Work together with our team to test and debug the mobile app.


  • Knowledge of Android Kotlin and/or Java programming is a must;
  • Knowledge of REST/JSON and UI principles are preferred.
  • Good practices and methodologies should be followed.
  • Unit Testing is an integral part of the pipeline and should be followed.
  • General knowledge about mobile development and systems architecture should be apparent
  • Code must pass basic requirements for running on devices like tablets and smartphones.
  • Knowledge of web technologies is preferred but not required.
  • Additional knowledge of other mobile platforms like Apple’s or any cross-platform development is also preferred but not required.


  • Preferred graduates in computer science or computer engineering with knowledge and skill of developing an Android app.
  • Good communication skill and willingness to work together with other people.
  • Self-discipline in order to finish work on a timely basis.
